Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 1: Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

I created this blog before Claire.  I pictured it as a place to keep family and friends updated about what we were up to.  Just like the moose crossing sign marks paths traveled, this Moos Crossing was going to be a place to journal our travels.  I never expected to have much to talk about, or to actually have anyone really reading this, but that extra chromosome changed all that.  I thought about changing the name, to more reflect Claire and Down syndrome, but never did.  Now I'm glad I didn't change the name.  This blog is still about US and our path through life, which just happens to include a little extra!


  1. Yeah for Moos!! I love your blog name and you're right, Claire is extra special, to all of us!

  2. I love your name....and I remember when you started your blog. It is right on and a crossing seems to fit a lot about our special kids....We cross so many paths in our journeys...mostly all good - some we have to redirect! PS Saw Claire's picture in the Research DS appeal - she is so beautiful!

  3. Moose Rock! really we loe to go see them and watch them just be moose! great thing about living in WYO!! and I think the name is way hip..smiles

  4. I think the name sounds cool :)


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