Monday, July 25, 2011

New Signs

I'm typing one handed this morning because there is an exhausted little girl sleeping in my lap.  This morning was her annual-ish blood draw.  It went ok, but not quite as good as last time.

This time Claire started crying the moment we got near the table. I'm sure it didn't help that she had to get some immunizations last week.  It took three of us to keep her still enough, but we got the blood we needed.


Claire continues to learn new signs, with two more picked up over the last few days.  Instead of just asking for crackers hundreds of times a day, she now asks for 'book' (combined with a very good approximation of the word!) and her signing time videos.  She will get settled into her watching spot and sign 'signing' along with a few yells and some pointing at the TV if don't get the video started soon enough for her.

I never figured I'd be one of those parents to let their kids watch TV at such an early age....but it's educational, right?


Claire got another slide for the back yard this weekend.   While I like the other one, it wasn't something that she would be able to do on her own for quite some time.  This past weekend I found exactly what I was looking for.  The steps are more like steps, instead of a ladder, and there is a platform that she can position herself on to go down the slide.  Once she gets to the platform Claire is on her own.  She scoots herself forward until the slides down.  The only thing she really needs help with is getting to the steps (only because she keeps trying to climb UP the slide....) and just a bit of spotting as she gets on the platform.  She can do it just fine on her own, but she seems to feel a little more comfortable with a hand on her behind as she climbs up.


And 10 hours after I started this post, I'm finally ready to hit publish....sometimes I wonder where my days go!


  1. Well what do you know... look at Claire putting all those muscles and motor skills to work on that slide.. Fantastic job, Claire! Just for the record, I have been on a how can I fix this playset so Paisley can have a blast too mission...I have it figured out, now if I can get Steve to make it happen..cause me and a chainsaw...not so much. Love y'all!

  2. Oh yay! No more crackers 40 times in a day, but now varying her requests. I love it. I bet she is totally jacked about what she can do on her own with the slide, and predict she will want to be out there 6 hours a day.

  3. Love the Claire pics! Super Claire! Ta Da down the slide!

    ChickABoom has her own version of "signing time" She has the baby sign down and then does this little Macarena like thing. Always wanting "baby signing time". She signs "more" and "all done" all. the time. Repeatedly. In the same sentence. Nothing like contradicting herself.

  4. Aw, that's great Claire can slide down by herself! How fun!! Russell still doesn't get the whole falling off thing...He can climb up, but he is not careful and always falls off of things :(

  5. Oh I love how Claire can scoot down that slide by herself!! She is so stinkin cute!

    And of course , signing time is absolutely educational and used for learning purposes only. Em is an nut for Signing time too.

  6. Claire is so cute on her slide. :) My backyard is a mess of weeds so we haven't even been back there to play on anything. I'm hoping to get some tarps to put under everything to help curb the weeds and dirt. Jesenia has just started climbing up on stuff - she can get on the couch if you take the cushions off - but she hasn't figured out stairs yet. She'll get on one and then sit down.

  7. Oh we need one of those! She has one in her room at school and everyday when I pick her up she runs over for one last slide down before we go!
    Your comment on my blog about your pre-horn not working has me thinking now- I think ours is hard too- definately not what I expected. Did you call Sara about it? I just assumed it was the lack of volitional airflow because we know that's hard for her right now.


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