Claire is settling in well. She is still on her NICU feed schedule and that has helped me organize myself a little. We went to our family doctor today so he could meet her and her weight was up again. 5 lb, 12 oz! The Dr commented that they like for babies to be back to their birth weight within 2 weeks and Claire is up half a pound. We go back to the family Dr and to the Cardiologist in about 2 weeks for checkups.

My projects for the next couple of days are to call Early Intervention (EI) and see what we need to do to get her referred and to get an ad in the paper to find daycare for her. I had a couple of spots held in group day cares for her, but with the AVSD, I'm just not comfortable with her around all those germs. And since I go back to work in 4-6 weeks I need to get something figured out.