Monday, April 23, 2012

Lessons From Pudge?

I walked into Claire's room this morning and found her sitting sweetly in the corner of her crib just waiting for me to get her up.

And then I noticed something amiss.  Since out of all of our friends Pudge spends the most time naked or in a state of undress, I figured she and Claire have been in touch.  

When I asked her to show me her belly button, this is what I got instead...

Maybe her nakedness has something do with my half dressed state these days....  

Either way, all I ask Pudge, is that you don't teach her how to undo snaps!


  1. Hahahahaha! Ellie loves to watch Pudge videos. If it's a video of Pudge causing trouble, she always applauds or signs more. Seems like all these girls really do chat without us!

  2. Lily has recently decided that being in a state of undress is fun. I think it's long as it's not at school!! LOL!

  3. Funny! Levi has still not figured out snaps but somehow can get his arm out through the neck opening on his PJ's!!

  4. Oh yes. The naked child. My son spent his first four years desiring to be naked at all times. (Once in preschool, he disrobed while in the bathroom and came out into the classroom butt naked, screaming that he was "Penis Man". A proud moment.) I think he may have even been five or six, and I had to SIT ON HIM to get him dressed in the morning. Claire looks pretty docile which is good.

  5. LOL Lately Sutter's new nickname is "baby Elvis" because anything with a zipper gets unzipped and he walks around with his belly hanging out! Silly kids!

  6. Oh, Claire. Every morning when I drop Pudge off for school I hiss into her ear, "Clothes ON, Pudge. Keep it Christian". And just look. She's gathering disciples. STINKERS, the both of you.

  7. idk, if I had a cute little belly like that I might be tempted to show it off too!

  8. Holy OT skills batman! We do adore both Miss Claire and Pudge, but so far, the only Jakey will take off are his socks and shoes. She's so adorable with her bed head.

  9. I'm with Carolyn, awesome fine motor Claire!!


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